Kia ora folks! Ruby here again. This week we’ve been doing more enviro-madness, getting outdoors and considering many of the awesome solutions to healing our global ecosystem. We learnt about Greta Thunberg, Jane Goodall, Extinction Rebellion and the Fridays For Future movement, all of whom are challenging the rest of western society to think about this topic in creative, hopeful and empowering ways! We also looked at the scientists who want to bring the woolly mammoth,, as well as those who have created machines that suck carbon out of the atmosphere! Then there are initiatives such as Treesisters who are tackling social and environmental challenges at the same time, providing meaningful work planting millions of trees in the tropics.
Our guys had a great time creating some of their own slogans such as #WavesOfChange and #SaveThePlanet. They also made stencils out of their statements to turn into eco-graffiti made with mud that we printed on big rocks beside Runnymede stream. We gave John his thank you present and even planted trees with him, some of which our guys got to take home! Finally, together they came up with a challenge to the public to boycott plastic bags for a month and to document their successes!

Finally, we made some badass moss graffiti outside GKTC, using a special and delectable moss milkshake…. mm mmm!